Our meetings are on the 2d Monday,
Guardian Angels, 6:30 Rosary

Meet our newly assigned Field Agent, Joseph Alves. Brother Alves is a Past Grand Knight of Council 11411 and brings with him a great deal of experience that will support our Council and our members.

Current insurance members should set a time to meet Joe and get an update on their assets. 

Everyone is encouraged to get to Know Joe as he becomes a familiar face to our council.

cell  585-967-3521

The Slate Of Officers for the
2022-2023 Columbian Year

Mark The Calendar UPCOMING EVENTS.

The Members Only Access request page is the first step in granting access to the secure section of our website. 

Please fill out the form so that we can validate your access. Currently the Members Only section is only accessible using a gmail.com account.
Having trouble? Send an email to Todd.Cucchiara@KofC4812.org
NOTE: The Access Request Form - CURRENTLY MUST USE a gMail account. Don't have gMail? Create a Google Account by clicking here.

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